*Information on this Class of 2022 page is posted as a courtesy by the Senior Traditions
parent committee and is not officially sponsored by HHS or HHS PTO.*
Senior Parents,
The Senior Class has a few traditions throughout the year that are not official school or PTO events, but are parent run and approved by HHS. These are all optional, but intended for our students to enjoy their last year at HHS together as a class and we hope everyone will want to participate! For more information or to volunteer, please contact Michelle Crim: littlesolesshoes@hotmail.com
Senior Breakfast - First day of school 6:45 - 7:45
Senior Picnic - TBD usually the last week of school held at Patriot Park; this will be planned around AP exams
End of Year Senior Breakfast - Last day of school. Seniors wear a t-shirt fo represent and celebrate their next step! College shirts, jerseys, GAP, Army are some examples
Baccalaureate Reception - Held after the Baccalaureate ceremony, usually the Sunday before graduation
Dates for senior picnic, senior breakfast (last day of school) and baccalaureate will be announced closer to time. Payment for those events will be collected then.
Senior Graduation information: Click HERE for link to the document.